
本系列课程原名:“scientific writing for publication”,弗雷赛斯润色主编AliA专门为中国科研者录制,AliA来自UK。 为了让学员更容易听懂,主编专门将语速降低,使用更简单的词语,跟着PPT,相信不会有过多障碍,所以,这也是非常好的听力教材。


The Most important rules to improve your scientific writing


Good scientific writing can get your work published even if the science is not that good. But bad writing might get your work rejected even if the science is good! That’s why good scientific writing is so important!



  • Are you confused about how to write scientific manuscripts?

  • Do you want to Improve your scientific writing skills?

  • Do you want to Avoid common mistakes Chinese authors make?

  • Do you want to make your manuscript sound more native?



In my many years of polishing manuscripts written by Chinese authors I have noticed many common mistakes that authors make. Don’t you think it would be great if someone could tell you what are the most common mistakes? Well that is why I am writing this article! I will not only tell you what they are, but I will briefly show you how to avoid them in your own work and how to make your manuscripts sound more native!


Here are 5 of some of the most important rules to remember when writing your manuscript:


Rule number 1: Don’t waste your sentences.


The space in your manuscript is valuable, and the readers time is also valuable. So try to make your sentences efficient and don’t write things that are unnecessary; don’t write information that does not tell the reader anything important about your study.


  • Don’t use empty words or phases like “It is important to note in this case that…” Just say: “Notably”. Don’t say “For this reason”, say: “Therefore”.

  • Don’t use complicated terminology – make it simple! Don’t say: “Chronotropic rate of the heart” say “Heart rate”.

  • Make sure that you reduce the amount of adverbs that you use. Words like very or really don’t give any extra valuable information to the reader. It just takes up space!


我们总不舍得把自己辛辛苦苦想出来的句子删掉一句,然后就变成了臃肿的堆砌,如何让句子精简、重要而有效是一门学问,当然我们之前也推送过相关内容如何摆脱中式英语①多余名词与动词摆脱中式英语2| 我的男表弟摆脱中式英语3 | 冗余双胞胎更多有关英语的内容,请直接在公众号后台输入关键词

Rule number 2: Use Verbs. Don’t use Nouns!


Verbs make our sentences interesting, clear, and short! Whilst nouns make your sentences boring, confusing and long.

  • Don’t say: The investigation of our study looked at the effect...” Say: ““Our study investigated the effect of …”.

  • Don’t say: “The role of Vitamin B12 in myelin production was our investigation.” Say: “We investigated the role of Vitamin B12 in the formation of myelin.”



Rule number 3: Use the active voice, not the passive voice!


Many writers think that the passive voice makes writing more professional. But in fact it makes it long and confusing. The active voice is an exciting and direct way of explaining your meaning. It also reduces your word count!

  • The passive voice – the subject is ‘acted upon’ by the verb.

  • The active voice – the subject ‘acts’

  • Don’t say: “If coevolution took place in our experiment was determined by performing 13,500 time-shift assays.” Say “We determined if coevolution took place in our experiment by performing 13,500 time-shift assays.”


Rule number 4: Don’t use negatives in sentences


Negatives are words that have a negative meaning in them, like no, don’t, impossible, or none. If you use two negative words in a sentence it can change the meaning of your sentence. Two negatives make a positive!


  • Don’t say: “ It is not impossible that GSK is the reason for the activation of the Wnt signalling pathway.” Say: “It is possible that GSK is the reason for the activation of the Wnt signalling pathway.”

  • Don’t say: “The investigation by the WHO also does not disagree with our study findings.” Say: “The investigation by the WHO also agrees with our study findings.”



Rule number 5: Make your paragraphs clear and logical!


Your paragraphs help to guide your reader through your manuscripts and should gradually build your study. Just like building a house, your sentences are the bricks of your manuscript and the paragraphs are the walls. A good paragraph will make your meaning clear to readers, not confuse them! Always remember the following rules:


  • One idea per paragraph.

  • Keep the paragraph short!

  • Don’t make the idea complicated (don’t mix two ideas together)

  • Describe the conclusion of the paragraph from he beginning.

  • Emphasise any important points at the end of the paragraph.

  • Check you used all the sentence rules!

  • Always introduce to the reader old information first, then introduce new information.

第一部分是讲句子,这里讲到段落的要点,同样,很多同学在写作的时候,什么都想表达,忍住, mix one ideas enough!

They were some of the most important rules to remember. If you want to learn more about these rules as well as many more rules that can help you improve your scientific writing. I have created a course that will help you A LOT!

In the course videos I will show you how manuscripts published in high impact factor journals use these rules when writing to produce excellent manuscripts.

I am sure by the end of these videos you will learn so much, and your manuscript will be one step closer to being published!



  • 发表于 2018-09-03 16:43
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