
北达科他大学的汪旭升课题组诚聘生物信息学/大数据/遗传学博士后和访问学者。我们课题组的研究主要针对复杂疾病来开发多组学数据的分析和集成的生物信息学方法。实验室目前有来自人类和小鼠的全基因组,转录组,表观基因组,蛋白组和来代谢组的数据。课题组目前参与多个大项目研究(如PsychENCODE项目)并与多家单位有广泛的合作(如St Jude儿童研究医院和田纳西大学健康科学中心)。课题组将针对你的未来职业规划来设计相应的课题。我们会为博士后提供相应的丰厚薪水。如果你是获得国家资助访问学者,我们会提供一定的额外生活补贴。申请人的研究领域最好是生物信息学,统计学,遗传学,或计算机科学,无需一定有组学分析的经验,但必须懂RPerlPython等编程语言。有意者请将你的简历发送到


Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Scholar Positions in Bioinformatics

We seek motivated individuals to work With Dr. Xusheng Wang at the University of North Dakota. The research will focus on a wealth of genetic and OMICs data including whole genome sequence data, transcriptomes (microarray and RNA-seq), epigenome, proteome, and metabolome from large human and mouse cohorts. Relevant future research project areas for Fellows include the development of computational and bioinformatics methods and tools, integration of multi-OMICS data. The successful candidate will benefit from wide collaboration with several domestic and international Consortia in the area of genetics, and proteomics and metabolomics, such as PsychENCODE project, St. Jude Children’s Research, University of Tennessee Health Science Center. To ensure your success of career development, we will tailor our training to meet your career goals. Dr. Wang has a very good publication record, and more information can be found on Google Scholar ( and on the website (

The successful candidate will be offered a competitive salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. The candidate shall work in Genetics, Bioinformatics, statistics, computer science, or a related field. Prior expertise in omics technologies is not required. The candidate must demonstrate excellent experience in programming in languages such as R, Perl, or Python. Please submit CV to Dr. Xusheng Wang at

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  • Xusheng Wang 提出于 2019-11-03 00:33
