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基于16S OTU表预测细菌表型数据库,同时可进行组间差异分析
BugBase Predicts Organism Level Microbiome Phenotypes Tonya Ward, Jake Larson, Jeremy Meulemans, Ben Hillmann, Joshua Lynch, Dimitri Sidiropoulos, John Spear, Greg Caporaso, Ran Blekhman, Rob Knight, Ryan Fink, Dan Knights bioRxiv 133462; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/133462
老司机直接Parse Data上传数据开分析,新人一定要先点下方Documentation,仔细阅读使用说明。
BugBase是一款分析微生物组样品表型的工具,此网站可以基于OTU表和Mapping files,预测大量信息和比较,包括以下七方面:
Maping File
分组列名: 指定分组信息,如上面的BODY_SITE,可产生如下结果:
可以点主页右边的Downloads,下载OTU表和Mapping file,
再到 Parse Data中上传这两个文件,Column Header添“BODY_SITE”,点Parse Data
源代码和数据库: https://github.com/knights-lab/BugBase
# 下载安装程序 cd ~/software wget https://github.com/knights-lab/BugBase/archive/master.zip mv master.zip BugBase.zip unzip BugBase.zip mv BugBase-master/ BugBase # 此程序运行必须定义下面环境变量,根据实际目录修改 export BUGBASE_PATH=/home/user/software/BugBase export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/software/BugBase/bin
run.bugbase.r -h # 安装了所有依赖包 # 以上R包如果已经安装,此步可跳过 # 每次运行都会重复安装10多个包近半小时
Usage: /mnt/bai/yongxin/software/BugBase/bin/run.bugbase.r [options] Options: -i OTUTABLE, --otutable=OTUTABLE otu table to plot [default NULL] -c MAPCOLUMN, --mapcolumn=MAPCOLUMN column of mapping file to plot [default NULL] -m MAPPINGFILE, --mappingfile=MAPPINGFILE mapping file to plot [default NULL] -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT output directory [default .]
# 运行演示数据 run.bugbase.r -i $BUGBASE_PATH/doc/data/HMP_s15.txt -m $BUGBASE_PATH/doc/data/HMP_map.txt -c HMPBODYSUBSITE -o output
[1] "Loading Inputs..." [1] "16S copy number normalizing OTU table..." [1] "Predicting phenotypes..." [1] "313 OTUs from the input table matched the 203452 available database OTUs" [1] "Plotting thresholds..." [1] "Plotting predictions..." [1] "Plotting OTU contributions..." [1] "BugBase analysis complete"
less -S $BUGBASE_PATH/doc/data/HMP_s15.txt # Constructed from biom file #OTU ID SRS024625.570280 SRS018102.573993 963239 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4431292 28.0 0.0 0.0 16.0 1.0 12.0 4480529 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 3.0 3.0
sed -i 's/^M/\n/g' BUGBASE_PATH/doc/data/HMP_map.txt less -S $BUGBASE_PATH/doc/data/HMP_map.txt #SampleID BarcodeSequence SAMP_COLLECT_DEVICE TITLE RUN_PREFIX AGE COMMON_NAME BODY_SITE SRS024568.571681 TCAGAATACGTTC stool_specimen_collection_kit HMP_production_phase_2715 SRR040712 SRS013177.574389 TCAGAGTCGAC stool_specimen_collection_kit HMP_production_phase_199 SRR040857 SRS020413.572892 TCAGAACCGGATAC stool_specimen_collection_kit HMP_production_phase_1681 SRR040994
less -S output/normalized_otus/16s_normalized_otus.txt # 文件如下: SRS024568.571681 SRS013177.574389 SRS020413.572892 963239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4431292 0 0 0 2 11.75 3 3 7 0 4480529 0 0 3 0 8 3 27 0 0 4345640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4372091 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
less -S output/otu_contributions/contributing_otus.txt # 预测结果前4行内容如下 Aerobic Anaerobic Contains_Mobile_Elements Facultatively_Anaerobic Forms_Biofilms Gram_Negative Gram_Positive Potentially_Pathogenic Stress_Tolerant 963239 FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 4431292 FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE 4480529 FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE
图0. 注释物种门水平图例
图1. 各组需氧菌相对丰度
图2 各组厌氧菌相对丰度
图3. 革兰氏阴性菌相对丰度 一共有9种,不再一一列举
less -S output/predicted_phenotypes/predictions.txt Aerobic Anaerobic Contains_Mobile_Elements Facultatively_Anaerobic Forms_Biofilms Gram_Negative Gram_Posi SRS024568.571681 0 0.999124411409892 0.219286298011441 0 0 0.782173016305405 0.2178269 SRS013177.574389 0 1 0.185520182485371 0 0 0.82138252504215 0.17861747495785 0 SRS020413.572892 0 0.99738106419102 0.347650182422425 0.00180616262688292 0 0.687353249286566
图4. 箱线图展示9种表型中的移动元件含量
图5. 折线图展示9种表型中的生物膜形成菌在不同阈值下相对丰度变化
附录1. 程序参数详解
Usage: /mnt/bai/yongxin/software/BugBase/bin/run.bugbase.r [options] Options: -v, --verbose Print extra output [default] -i OTUTABLE, --otutable=OTUTABLE otu table to plot [default NULL] -c MAPCOLUMN, --mapcolumn=MAPCOLUMN column of mapping file to plot [default NULL] -m MAPPINGFILE, --mappingfile=MAPPINGFILE mapping file to plot [default NULL] -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT output directory [default .] -t TAXALEVEL, --taxalevel=TAXALEVEL taxa level to plot otu contributions by, default is 2 (phylum) [default NULL] -p PHENOTYPE, --phenotype=PHENOTYPE specific traits (phenotypes) to predict, separated by commas, no spaces [default NULL] -x, --predict only output the prediction table, do not make plots [default FALSE] -T THRESHOLD, --threshold=THRESHOLD threshold to use, must be between 0 and 1 [default NULL] -g GROUPS, --groups=GROUPS treatment groups of samples, separated by commas, no spaces [default NULL] -u USERTABLE, --usertable=USERTABLE user define trait table, absolute file path required [ default NULL] -z, --continuous plot continuous data [default FALSE] -k, --kegg use kegg pathway table [default FALSE] -C, --cov use coefficient of variance instead of variance [default FALSE] -l, --clr_trans use centered log-ratio transformation instead of relative abundance [default FALSE] -a, --all plot all samples without a mapping file (this outputs no statistics) [default FALSE] -w, --shotgun Data is metagenomic shotgun data (picked against RefSeq database) [default FALSE] -h, --help Show this help message and exit
附录2. 安装所有依赖R包并测试
# 运行R R # 安装13个依赖包,环境为Ubuntu16.04 + R3.4.1,祝你成功 source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite(c("optparse", "beeswarm", "RColorBrewer", "reshape2", "plyr", "grid", "gridExtra", "ggplot2", "RJSONIO", "biom", "Matrix", "labeling", "digest")) # 测试是否安装成功 library("optparse") library("beeswarm") library("RColorBrewer") library("reshape2") library("plyr") library("grid") library("gridExtra") library("ggplot2") library("RJSONIO") library("biom") library("Matrix") library("labeling") library("digest") q()
附录3. 常见错误
[1] "Loading Inputs..." Error in load.inputs(otu_table, map, mapcolumn, groups) : Error: otu table must be either .txt or .biom (json) Execution halted
Error: Output directory already exists
Execution halted