

> cz<-read.table("x:/Yaping.Ma/cz.txt",header=TRUE,sep="\t")
> head(cz)                  
     x1    x2   x3   x4   x5    x6   x7 x8
1 30.06 11.66 2.02 9.68 4.06 21.41 3.55  0
2 32.18 13.42 2.29 7.96 5.42 22.85 2.59  0
3 28.31 11.56 1.95 7.78 4.07 16.36 3.42  0
4 28.63 11.98 1.99 7.42 4.60 16.01 2.79  0
5 27.42 11.58 1.83 7.30 3.26 18.97 5.07  0
6 24.75 10.25 1.24 6.21 3.10 17.70 4.06  0
> pca1<-princomp(cz,cor=T)     
> summary(pca1,loadings = T)   
Importance of components:

                          Comp.1    Comp.2    Comp.3     Comp.4
Standard deviation     2.1585794 1.2076351 0.9174367 0.75943666
Proportion of Variance 0.5824331 0.1822978 0.1052113 0.07209301
Cumulative Proportion  0.5824331 0.7647309 0.8699422 0.94203521
                           Comp.5     Comp.6     Comp.7
Standard deviation     0.52737553 0.36470473 0.22931097
Proportion of Variance 0.03476562 0.01662619 0.00657294
Cumulative Proportion  0.97680083 0.99342702 0.99999996
Standard deviation     5.305783e-04
Proportion of Variance 3.518916e-08
Cumulative Proportion  1.000000e+00


   Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8
x1 -0.424 -0.187               -0.247  0.819 -0.227       
x2 -0.442 -0.169 -0.103 -0.167        -0.349 -0.323 -0.714
x3 -0.432 -0.233        -0.139                0.854       
x4         0.496 -0.859                                   
x5 -0.427 -0.258 -0.164               -0.347 -0.323  0.693
x6 -0.316  0.279  0.150  0.791 -0.366 -0.202              
x7 -0.190  0.573  0.395 -0.554 -0.388                0.101
x8 -0.340  0.404  0.212         0.796  0.178             
> library(scatterplot3d)  
> PCA1=pca1$loadings[,1]    
> PCA2=pca1$loadings[,2]
> PCA3=pca1$loadings[,3]
> colors=rainbow(24)       
> s3d=scatterplot3d(PCA1,PCA2,PCA3
+                   #, highlight.3d = TRUE
+                   , col.axis = "blue",angle = 40,
+                   color=colors[seq(1,24,3)], main = "Principal component analysis", pch = ' ')
> s3d$points(PCA1,PCA2, PCA3, pch =15:22,
+            cex = 2,col=colors[seq(1,24,3)])
> legend(s3d$xyz.convert(0.2, 0.2, -0.4), pch = 15:22, yjust=0,
+        legend =colnames(cz), cex = .7,col=colors[seq(1,24,3)],bty="n")
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祝让飞 - 生物信息工程师


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  • 马亚平 提出于 2018-06-16 03:20