5 WGCNA,运行错误ERROR : Length of 'xLabels' must equal the number of columns in 'Matrix.' 大神出来帮个忙哈,赶着些毕业论文,多谢啦

C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.3patched\bin\x64\Rscript.exe
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.3patched\bin\x64\Rscript.exe" "D:\Sanger_V1.0.8\source\softs\5c7344303916c\WGCNA_Pipline.R" "D:\1" "success_ExpData.txt" "success_Sam_info.txt" "1.2" "30" "unsigned" "5000" "0.25" "0.9" "2" "0.02" "-1" "1"

[1] 59
[1] "plot DistributionGeneSignificance.pdf"
                GS.ESR1_Lo GS.ESR1_Hi
plum1           0.07291622 0.07291622
tan             0.06810207 0.06810207
darkolivegreen  0.08922821 0.08922821
lightyellow     0.09433290 0.09433290
honeydew1       0.14982014 0.14982014
brown4          0.16190950 0.16190950
skyblue3        0.17085858 0.17085858
purple          0.21054341 0.21054341
darkmagenta     0.15158015 0.15158015
plum2           0.20967249 0.20967249
darkred         0.19735769 0.19735769
thistle2        0.10953033 0.10953033
darkorange      0.21324207 0.21324207
skyblue         0.23429086 0.23429086
yellow          0.35719369 0.35719369
blue            0.48373645 0.48373645
green           0.36034807 0.36034807
ivory           0.21980669 0.21980669
cyan            0.18873874 0.18873874
lavenderblush3  0.19410932 0.19410932
bisque4         0.10435336 0.10435336
lightpink4      0.07367856 0.07367856
floralwhite     0.07281273 0.07281273
orangered4      0.07094195 0.07094195
salmon          0.15638151 0.15638151
lightcyan       0.10642092 0.10642092
steelblue       0.07352980 0.07352980
saddlebrown     0.10533324 0.10533324
salmon4         0.11227181 0.11227181
palevioletred3  0.08992756 0.08992756
white           0.16509318 0.16509318
brown           0.30982444 0.30982444
magenta         0.25016029 0.25016029
pink            0.10075158 0.10075158
black           0.11755712 0.11755712
greenyellow     0.16852399 0.16852399
lightsteelblue1 0.09275500 0.09275500
maroon          0.08662695 0.08662695
darkslateblue   0.08591301 0.08591301
orange          0.10887033 0.10887033
darkgreen       0.12576341 0.12576341
royalblue       0.11686090 0.11686090
thistle1        0.09180375 0.09180375
darkturquoise   0.13596459 0.13596459
violet          0.10528013 0.10528013
navajowhite2    0.16112520 0.16112520
darkorange2     0.12871521 0.12871521
lightgreen      0.14054804 0.14054804
sienna3         0.09117022 0.09117022
lightcyan1      0.09554115 0.09554115
grey60          0.11182095 0.11182095
mediumpurple3   0.13729360 0.13729360
red             0.13123577 0.13123577
yellowgreen     0.09745306 0.09745306
paleturquoise   0.09097196 0.09097196
turquoise       0.18938287 0.18938287
darkgrey        0.10980817 0.10980817
midnightblue    0.10176641 0.10176641
[1] "end plot"
ERROR : Length of 'xLabels' must equal the number of columns in 'Matrix.' 
Warning messages:
1: executing %dopar% sequentially: no parallel backend registered 
2: In eval(xpr, envir = envir) :
 Some correlations are NA in block 1 : 2292 .
3: In eval(xpr, envir = envir) :
 Some correlations are NA in block 2293 : 4584 .
4: In eval(xpr, envir = envir) :
 Some correlations are NA in block 4585 : 6876 .
5: In eval(xpr, envir = envir) :
 Some correlations are NA in block 6877 : 9168 .
6: In eval(xpr, envir = envir) :

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祝让飞 - 生物信息工程师

从这个结果来看 应该是表型文件出问题

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